Azure Shared Disks in Preview!

Witnessing the announcement of shared disks in Azure.


Microsoft’s newest disk offering answers our cries for being able to use a single disk across multiple VM’s. The first use I can consider would be for clustering and use of a witness disk. You can read more about clustering here: Windows Server Failover Cluster (WSFC).


Currently this feature requires filling out a request form:

There are certain limitations and specific setup after being accepted into the preview. Let’s talk about a few of the limitations first (provided by Microsoft).

  • Currently only available with premium SSDs.
  • Currently only supported in the West Central US region.
  • All virtual machines sharing a disk must be deployed in the same proximity placement groups.
  • Can only be enabled on data disks, not OS disks.
  • Only basic disks can be used with some versions of Windows Server Failover Cluster, for details see Failover clustering hardware requirements and storage options.
  • ReadOnly host caching is not available for premium SSDs with maxShares>1.
  • Availability sets and virtual machine scale sets can only be used with FaultDomainCount set to 1.
  • Azure Backup and Azure Site Recovery support is not yet available.

Additionally, your disk must be created with the value maxShares>1. Your Virtual Machine also must reside in a Proximity Placement Group. This forces the machines to remain as close as possible to reduce latency.

Here’s a sample via PowerShell on how to create a placement group

$resourceGroup = "myPPGResourceGroup"
$location = "East US"
$ppgName = "myPPG"
New-AzResourceGroup -Name $resourceGroup -Location $location
$ppg = New-AzProximityPlacementGroup 
   -Location $location
   -Name $ppgName 
   -ResourceGroupName $resourceGroup
   -ProximityPlacementGroupType Standard

More Information


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