Azure App Service Managed Certificates

How to enable fully managed certificates with App Services


In this post, I’ll be sharing information about Microsoft’s newest offering for App Services, Managed Certificates!

In the past, getting a free certificate in Azure would require you to use a CDN (Content Delivery Network) because they provide free custom domain certificates.

However, for App Services, there are certain requirements for using custom domain and certificates (SSL and/or SNI (Server Name Indication).

Certificates are also offered for purhcase through Azure already under App Service Certificates.

Managed Certificates

After choosing a supported App Service Plan (Basic B1 or higher) for Custom Domains and SSL, choose TLS/SSL Settings from your App Service overview blade. Next, select Private Key Certificate from the top menu and finally “+Create App Service Managed Certificate”.

*Note that you’ll need to setup custom domain prior to creating the managed certificate.

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